Wednesday, October 31, 2018

I Have No Taste!

While visiting the Western Hills Dunkin Donuts with my daughter yesterday, I ordered my usual large Mocha Latte. I tasted it as I left the drive thru, and immediately noticed the lack of any mocha flavor. I parked, and went inside, where the girl that made it claimed she gave it 4 pumps, and walked away. Another girl who works there looked at me apologetically, and asked the first girl what she should do. After a brief glare, she said to remake it. I thanked her, and the following is 5 reasons why I should have just kept the original "Mocha Latte".

1. She said "I dont usually make the latte". This should have given me a reason to pay more attention. My bad, right?

2. She put 6 full on pumps of mocha in the cup. I like my chocolate, but they were some really....full.....pumps.

3. She started the machine thingy they use, 3 times. I'm not sure, but I think that is what brews the coffee? Forgive my technical terms.

4. I laughed and said "Yesterday, I got one and it was weirdly cold." She took that as a challenge.

5. I got to the car and decided to take a sip before driving. GIANT mistake. It was so hot that I had to literally spit it down my front. Fortunately, I had on a sweater over my shirt. Thank God my instinct kicked in and I didnt try to swallow it. I flung open the cup, expecting to see lava. But, no. It was a (half full!) large to go cup with a lot of mocha...and no milk. Zilch. Zero. Nada. None. So, I basically poured hot liquid chocolate in my mouth. Delicious!

So now, I taste nothing. Try me. Really. Give me a pickle, and I'll guess it's styrofoam. Potato chips? Styrofoam. Rice cakes? Okay, okay. They always taste like styrofoam. But, you get the idea. I can taste nothing. My poor lips, tongue, and gums are this odd painful and blistered numb. Does that even make sense?

My advice to the owners of Western Hills Dunkin Donuts:  make sure your employees understand temperature, and teach them that "latte" means it has milk in it.

My advice to all of you, and myself: Don't sip the coffee without first looking at the coffee. Do not trust that it is hot enough, or cool enough, or has enough chocolate in it, or MILK! ( talking to you, little blonde girl at Dunkin')

Rant over. Thanks for reading. If you did. If not...................

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Mothers Day

This is my first Mother's Day since my Momma passed away. I was thinking earlier how hard it will be. Then, I thought why should tomorrow be any harder than any other day? Momma was gone 6 months ago. Momma was gone yesterday. She is gone today. She will be gone tomorrow. I don't think its possible to miss her anymore than I do now. 

My Mother, as anyone who knew her could tell you, was a remarkable woman. She worked so hard her entire life so that none of her loved ones would be without. She spent late nights with us, rushed out of the house to pray for the sick. She was a  prayer warrior. She made birthday and wedding cakes. She loaned and sometimes just gave away money, was faithful to her last breath, a great friend to many, a second mom to all of our friends, and a lot of her own friends. She welcomed our friends into her home when they had nowhere to go. She was so many things to so many, but to me she was...

Fingers though my hair as my head lay on her lap. A Snow White and the Seven Dwarves coloring book when I had strep for the millionth time. Ice cream at Park Pharmacy. She was advice, and prayers, and hugs. She was pies, and spaghetti. She was Salmon salad and Sunday roast. She was watercolors and peonies, songbirds and the river. She was beautiful, and unique,and so, so loved. 

She was my Mommy. God, How I miss her. 

Monday, December 19, 2016

Haters gonna hate.

After all the rants I have been seeing on social media lately about all the "hot issues", its my turn. If you don't agree, fine! If you do agree, fine! Either way, no hateful comments please, and thank you.

For all of the ones posting "anti/pro" Obama, Clinton, Trump, Pence, Muslim, Jew, Christian, Black, White, Flag, Gay, Straight, great taste-less filling, chocolate vs.vanilla or whatever you like/don't like/agree/just think you are funny or/ want to be disagreeable over for the hell of it, this is for you: 

feel intense or passionate dislike for (someone).
"the boys hate each other"
synonyms: loathe, detest, despise, dislike, abhor, execrate; More
intense or passionate dislike.
"feelings of hate and revenge"
synonyms: hatred, loathing, detestation, dislike, distaste, abhorrence, abomination, execration, aversion

In other words, you are a hater. Thats right. You are a hater. Let that sink in a minute..... YOU are spreading hate. The thing you accuse everyone else of, YOU ARE. It is ridiculous how much I am seeing those who are so adament that things they think are okay, but disagreed upon by others, posting "jokes" about things they know will illicit a negative response. If someone posts something against what they believe in, well, those that disagree are just haters, idiots, or bigots. But, when something comes along they don't like, its all on. Let's post the jokes, let's post the name calling. What happened to political correctness when the shoe is on the other foot? It doesn't count, because it's not what you think is right. Congratulations! Now you are not only a hater, but a hypocrite as well. Simple Definition of hypocrisy : the behavior of people who do things that they tell other people not to do. So next time one of your friends disagrees with what you think and says something, and you get all hurt and upset and crying because you can't believe someone could be so stupid, look in the mirror. Because every time you post one of the "jokes" that you think is funny, maybe someone else is crying too. But, that doesn't matter. They are just idiots, right? If you are wondering if you are one of the people that I am directing this towards, well, if you think so then probably. But, guess what?! I still love you. And I respect your right to your opinions and values, morals, whatever. That is why I rarely say anything in response. I just wish a lot more would do the same. LOVE one another. Be KIND to one another. We have to stick together, now more than ever. With so much against us, we as Americans must unite, and do what WE can to make America great. Or it won't matter who is in office. It won't matter.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Pretend You Don't Know Me.

Have you ever read something that made you feel ashamed about how you treat, and talk to the ones you love? I have. I was reading a short, little story in a woman's mag, and this woman said she was having a bad day. She snapped at her husband, but when she turned around, it wasn't her husband behind her, but a young girl. She said she apologized immediately. She said how embarrassed she was that she had snapped at a stranger. It made me think:

 Why would we be embarrassed that we spoke harshly, and a stranger heard us, yet not blink that we speak to a loved one the same way? 

I know that it isn't just me, or my family. I see it every time I go into a store, or restaurant. Some man, or some woman is talking to the ones they are supposed to love most like they matter the least. What does that do for our self esteem? For our relationships? 

Someday, when I am gone, I do not want my children to say "I loved my mom, but she was wasn't very nice to me" or " I know my mom loved me, but she didn't always sound like she did" I know what that feels like. My dad made me feel that way.

I think my hubby gets it the worst. I think I will go say "I am sorry honey, and I love you "